Fundraising is beneficial to your community, your club, and its members. Raising capital for a local project, recognized charity, affiliate organization, your club’s outreach plans and operations, or GFWC Designated Funds, is also an opportunity to make the achievements of your club known throughout the community. As you work together on a fundraiser, you learn new skills. Successful teamwork fosters cooperation, provides a sense of accomplishment, cultivates pride and ownership in the organization, and creates life-long friendships—all while building a stronger and better club.
Begin your fundraising process by gathering club members together for a brainstorming session.
No dream is too big when you work together!
Discuss pros and cons, then make your choice and design as many ways as you can to put fun into your fundraiser.
“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
Help secure GFWC-NC’s financial future by supporting the 2024-2026 GFWC-NC President’s Special Project and GFWC-NC Director of Junior Clubs Special Project, Corporate Champions for Women & Children, Legacy and 1902 funds, special designation funds and scholarships as well as fundraisers like Headbands for Hope, GFWC-NC T-Shirts, etc.