Membership in any organization requires obligations. GFWC of North Carolina encourages each member to read and understand the bylaws, which serve as a contract between the member and the organization. The following responsibilities are common to members of federated clubs
- Contribute one’s talents through service on committees and active participation in the work of the organization.
- Promote the goals of the club and share their good works in the community with others.
- Participate in discussions and decisions on issues. It is important to express opinions during meetings and not after decisions are made. Support club decisions.
- Support the leaders in your club and all club activities.
- Accept and uphold the will of the majority and respect the rights of the minority.
- Attend the meetings with regularity and be prompt. Give courteous attention during club meetings.
- Attend District, State, Region, and National meetings as well.
- Make prompt payment of financial obligations.
- Voting is a privilege. Be informed and vote intelligently.
- Learn and practice parliamentary procedure
- Share your enthusiasm and have fun!!
- Stay informed.
Enjoy the Unity and Diversity of Clubwomen across the state, nation, and world!