National Women’s Health Week
May 12th-18th, 2019
National Women’s Health Week kicks off this Sunday, Mother’s Day, May 12th. This is the 20th year that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health will lead National Women’s Health Week. Their goal is to encourage all women to improve their health:
- See your doctor for a well-woman visit, preventive screenings, and vaccines on National Check-Up Day and throughout the year. Annual National Check-Up Day is the second Monday in May – May 13, 2019.
- Be active! The benefits of walking every day are numerous. It is a low impact exercise that can help you lose weight or get in shape, improve circulation, reduce hypertension and stress, and improve your metabolism. So, walk more and worry less!
- Eat healthy. Fuel your mind, heart, and body.
- Focus on your mental health: get enough sleep, manage stress, and balance work with fun and family. National Mental Health Week is May 13th through May 19th. Next month’s Federation Friday will focus on Mental Health.
- Adopt safe behaviors: quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, don’t text and drive, wear sunscreen, and take steps to protect yourself from infections.
- Keep your health & wellness wheel in balance!
How can I participate?
Take steps toward good health. Learn about healthy living by age.
Spread the word using social media and promotional tools. Use #NWHW in social media messages you share.
Organize events or activities in your community to raise awareness to help your friends and neighbors get moving.
Happy Mother’s Day from the GFWC-NC Executive Committee!
The second Sunday of May each year we honor and celebrate mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers for their contribution to their families and communities. These selfless women give of themselves every day to encourage, motivate, and inspire. Enjoy your special day!
“Mothers never retire, no matter how old her children are she is always a Mom, always willing to encourage and help her children in any way she can!” – Catherine Pulsifer
“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.” – author unknown