Fall is finally in full swing and so is our club year! Our clubs are busy recruiting new members and having successful Membership Recruitment events. Many find that getting these new members to join is not difficult, but once they join, we need to be careful that we don’t FALL short and ensure they find their CONNECTION within our club. And the quicker the better – remember when you first joined? How did YOU find your connection?
- Was it a member reaching out to you?
- Was it a project that you found interesting?
- Was it simply being part of a group doing GOOD in your community?
Whatever your connection was be sure you share your experience with new members and encourage other members to share too. Not all members are the same, but we all want to find a CONNECTION, to be involved, and to be part of this wonderful
federation! And furthermore, we want to connect our clubs across the state – we want to share what each other has done. Who knows? A fabulous recruitment idea or event may be just what another club needs to help them succeed in recruiting.
- Did your club have successful recruitment activities? This year we have had some clubs meeting in person and other meeting via Zoom. We would love to hear how your club tackled the challenges head on to make recruiting a success!
- Did y’all have fun and interactive Zoom/in person socials and meetings? Other clubs are asking for creative ideas – please let us know what you did!
Don’t forget about forming NEW CLUBS!! Have you heard anyone interested in starting a new club? Maybe someone is aging out and does not have a general club nearby? Remember it only takes 5 members to start a club and GFWC has a Special Membership Award for this administration. GFWC-NC will get a certificate AND $50 for each new club!! GFWC will gather this information from the New Clubs Forms submitted between July 1, 2020 and February 15, 2022.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Kim Fulcher, GFWC-NC President-elect, kefulcher@gmail.com
Hope Hockaday, GFWC-NC Director-elect of Junior Clubs, hopelynn@gmail.com