Donations, Honorariums & Memorials

Donations and Memorials

Corporate Champions for Women and Children

General Trust Fund

-In Memory of Ann Nickerson by NC Sorosis

GFWC-NC Arts Fund

Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship Fund 

Greeson-Johnson Scholarship Fund 


-In Honor of Kim Fulcher, GFWC-NC President 2022-2024 by GFWC-NC Past Presidents Club

-In Honor of Ann Vipperman by Helen Richie

-In Memory of Lenny Wolfe, Bev Lassiter’s Father, by Kim Fulcher

-In Memory of Lenny Wolfe, Bev Lassiter’s Father, by Frances Lewis

-In Memory of Lenny Wolfe, Bev Lassiter’s Father, by Susie and Scott Harris

-In Memory of Lenny Wolfe, Bev Lassiter’s Father, by Charlotte Woman’s Club

-In Memory of Lenny Wolfe, Bev Lassiter’s Father, by Ann Vipperman

-In Memory of Lenny Wolfe, Bev Lassiter’s Father, by Ellen Patterson

-In Memory of Alvin DeWitt, Gay Warren’s Father, by Dottie Jennings

-In Memory of Alvin DeWitt, Gay Warren’s Father, by Ellen Patterson

-In Memory of Alvin DeWitt, Gay Warren’s Father, by Ann Vipperman

-In Memory of Esther Harper, Sandy Jahn’s Mother, by Bev Lassiter

-In Memory of Esther Harper, Sandy Jahn’s Mother, by Kim Fulcher

-In Memory of Laura Vipperman by Kim Fulcher


GFWC-NC General Operating Account 

-In Memory of Mary Coward by NC Sorosis

-In Memory of Mary Frances Lewis, Frances Lewis’s Mother-In-Law by Kim Fulcher

-In Memory of Lenny Wolfe, Bev Lassiter’s Father, by Ann Vipperman

-In Memory of Alvin DeWitt, Gay Warren’s Father, by Bev Lassiter

-In Memory of Alvin DeWitt, Gay Warren’s Father, by Charlotte Woman’s Club

-In Memory of Alvin DeWitt, Gay Warren’s Father, by Susie and Scott Harris

-In Memory of Alvin DeWitt, Gay Warren’s Father, by Linda Browne

 1902 Society 

2024-2026 GFWC-NC President and Junior Director’s Special Project 

-In Honor of Karen Throckmorton and Rebecca Duffy by Cindy Hewett

-In Honor of Karen Throckmorton by Southport Woman’s Club

GFWC-NC Juniorette Member Relief Fund

If you or your club are interested in donating an Honorarium or Memorial, please contact

Frances Lewis, GFWC-NC Financial Associate at




1902 Society Donations


Sharon Guenther

Linda Lavinder

Lynn Wiss




Sandy Cyphers

Stephanie Forloines

Kathy Parker

Legacy Fund 

Sandy Cyphers

Stephanie Forloines

Donna Giese

Kathy Parker

Corporate Champions for Women and Children

Sharon Adgate

Stephanie Forloines

Ellen Hollis

Ginger Lockamy

Nancy Maynard

Helen Mauney

Ruth Olive

Pat Witt

GFWC-NC Member Relief Fund

Sandy Alford

Sandy Cyphers

Liz Gannaway

Amanda Moore Ladd

Kathy Parker

GFWC SER Candidacy Fund 

Linda Browne

Wendy Carriker

Sandy Cyphers

Kim Fulcher

Crystal O’Neal

2024-2026 GFWC-NC President and Junior Director’s  Special Project 

Arts Guild Members

Pauletta Adgate

Melvina Croner

Rebecca Duffy

Mary Ervin

Stephanie Forloines

Anne Gamble

Brenda Gay

Donna Geise

Barbara Giarelli

Betsy Grannis

Donna Harrell

Cindy Hewett

Anna Katherine Hill

Kandace Hill

Patti Hogan

Katy B. Hurn

Eva Jackson

Hilda Jernigan

Penny Lauricella

Ann Landis

Debbie Lemon

Ginger Lockamy

Carol Ann Lohman

Martha Long

Marie Marshburn

Anne Moelle

Jeanette Moore-Bullock

Susan O’Malley

Mary Pendill

Faye Perry

Ashley Rain

Angela Richard

Helen Richie

Barbara Rickard

Peggy Schiavone

Adrianna Sidelinger

Gail Sitterson

Sharon Smith

Judi Stankowich

B.J. Stephens

Debroah Stephenson

Linda Sturgill

Diana Tabankin

Jennifer Thompson

Ann Tremblay

Penny Tysinger

Dana White

Lynn Wiss

Pat Witt

Julie Wolfe


Upper Mezzanine

Wendy Carriker

Sandy Cyphers

Ellen Hollis

Karen Krumm


Maggie Anderson

Mary Ervin

Cindy Hewett

Ann Tremblay


Southport Woman’s Club

Whiteville Woman’s Club

Box Seats

GFWC of Holden Beach


Marilyn Bonnett

Linda Browne

Liz Gannaway

Katy B. Hurn

Kandance Hill

Marty Long

Helen Mauney

Amanda Moore Ladd

Kathy Parker

Ruth Olive

Crystal O’Neal

Mary Pendill

Ashley Rain

Gail Sitterson

Ann Trembly

Lynn Wiss


GFWC-NC Juniorette Member Relief Fund