Season’s Greetings

Federation Friday: Volume 1, Issue 25, December 21, 2018

Things to remember during the holiday season

Time for giving.

When preparing for the holidays we tend to get so wrapped up in finding the latest fashions, fads and gadgets, that we fail to see that there are many people around us in need. Take a moment to be a good Samaritan and share your blessings. Give to those who need it most. The smallest things can bring the greatest joy.

Be thankful.

Take note. Be sure to count your blessings: family and friends who love and care about you, a comfortable home, clothes to keep you warm and nutritional food to keep you healthy. Be thankful for all that you have during this holiday season.

Love yourself.

The holiday season can become very stressful. You spend so much time worrying about making others happy that you forget to take care of yourself. You will be surrounded by sweets and rich food. And winter brings a hibernating attitude, so you may feel regret for cheating on your diet or missing a work out or two at the gym. Don’t fret or dwell; you will be able to work off any weight gain after the new year! Focus on your assets and love yourself, always.

Embrace it.

Enjoy it while it lasts, it will be over before you know it!

“May you be blessed
With the spirit of the season, which is peace,
The gladness of the season, which is hope,
And the heart of the season, which is love.”
Pauletta Parker, Chaplain’s Corner

The best of the holidays to you from our GFWC-NC Family to yours!



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