Vision specialists want to help you maintain your eyesight with a few tips:
STOP STARING – Many people of all ages are spending too many hours each day looking at a computer, tablet or phone. Consider blue light blocking glasses. Adopt the 20/20/20 rule. Take a break from your screen every 20 minutes, focus on something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
MAKE OVER YOUR MAKE-UP – Eye make-up should be routinely replaced. Look for make-up that is free of metallics and harsh ingredients. Avoid water-proof eye make-up if you wear contacts.
EAT A RAINBOW – (We have heard this somewhere before!) Your eye health is just as responsive to your diet as your heart. WORK IT OUT – Just like exercise reduces your blood pressure, it also reduces your eye pressure which is beneficial for reducing your risk for Glaucoma and age-related Macular Degeneration.
DRINK UP – Staying hydrated is important for eye health. Dehydration can cause blurred vision and headaches. Include green tea in your fluid intake frequently. It includes the eye vitamins, A, C and Lutein.
DITCH the SMOKES – Smokers are twice as likely to develop Glaucoma, Cataracts, and Diabetic Retinopathy. Smoking also contributes to dry eye conditions.
COVER UP – Wear 100% UV blocking sunglasses and protective eye goggles when necessary. Sun damage happens quickly, so it is important to be diligent. Protective eye wear is key to reducing sports and work injuries such as orbital fractures, corneal abrasions and even retinal detachments.
GET to YOUR EYE DOCTOR – Annual exams are important especially as we age. Diabetic Retinopathy is diagnosed with a dilated eye exam. Glaucoma is a silent disease that often can go undetected until there is irreparable vision loss.
DON’T FORGET the KIDS – Kids are developing myopia (nearsightedness) at an alarming rate. Vision problems in children will most likely progress to more serious complications. Don’t rely on vision screenings at schools. All children should have a comprehensive eye exam with an ophthalmologist who works with children.
Coronavirus: How to Boost Your Immunity
The novel coronavirus COVID-19 is a world-wide pandemic, so it is important to protect yourself by boosting your immunity. Like other virus strains, Coronavirus causes symptoms ranging from the common cold to acute respiratory syndrome.
The immune system is the body’s defense, designed to detect a broad range of pathogens, such as viruses. To build your immune system, experts suggest consuming copious amounts of fruits and vegetables. Foods with zinc: meats, eggs, shellfish, and legumes, which help shorten respiratory infections, are also recommended.
Physical activity, even walking, are proven to boost the immune system, so keep walking! Sleeping is more important than ever. An extra hour each night ensures you are better prepared for each day and helps you handle stress. Find ways to de-stress.
Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds, cover your mouth, and clean surfaces. Follow social distancing guidelines to avoid contact to stay healthy.