National Influenza Vaccination Week, International Volunteer Day

Federation Friday: Volume 2, Issue 22 - November 29, 2019

The Centers for Disease Control established National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW) in 2005 to highlight the importance of continuing flu vaccination through the holiday season and beyond. NIVW is December 1-7, 2019. 

Flu vaccination coverage estimates from past seasons have shown that few people get vaccinated against influenza after the end of November. So, CDC and its partners chose December for NIVW to remind people that even though the holiday season has begun, it is not too late! As long as flu viruses are spreading and causing illness, vaccinations should continue throughout flu season in order to protect as many people as possible. 

Getting vaccinated later can still be beneficial and should be done as soon as possible before flu begins spreading in your community. Flu isn’t a “bad cold” and can result in serious complications such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations. Flu can sometimes even lead to deaths. (79,000 deaths during the 2017-18 flu season) 

Most people who get the flu will recover in a few days to less than two weeks, but some people will develop serious flu complications. People at high risk of serious flu complications include young children, pregnant women, people with certain chronic health conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disorders, or lung diseases, and people 65 years and older. Anyone who gets flu can pass it to someone at high risk of severe illness, including children younger than 6 months who are too young to get a flu vaccine. 

CDC has developed several tools and materials for organizations across the country to aid their vaccination efforts during National Influenza Vaccination Week. A wealth of information is available on the NIVW web site. Remember that the flu vaccine is also a part of the Shot for Life program.

 “Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time, but they have the heart!” 

“Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. 

Happy Volunteer Day – December 5th! 

The International Volunteer Day (IVD) for Economic and Social Development, referred to as International Volunteer Day, is an international observance mandated by the UN General Assembly in 1985. It is more than a day of observation! It is a day of action for volunteers worldwide. 

In the past, IVD has focused on alleviating poverty, hunger, disease, and discrimination against women. The 2019 theme; “Volunteer for an inclusive future“, is highlighting the pursuit of equality, including inclusion, through volunteerism. 

As a GFWC member, we are Living the Volunteer Spirit! Imagine the reward of putting our tagline to action within our community by working alongside others on this International day! 

So much good could be accomplished. 

(1) Unity within your community while working toward a common goal.
(2) Helping those in need.
(3) Raising awareness of GFWC as an organization




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