International Volunteer Day is Dec 5, 2018

Federation Friday: Volume 1, Issue 21, November 23, 2018

Mandated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985, December 5th each year is observed as International Volunteer Day. However, this day is more than an observation! It is a day when volunteers worldwide put into action their physical efforts to help others.

Over the years, the focus of IVD has targeted alleviating poverty, hunger, disease, environmental degradation and discrimination against women.

As a GFWC member, we know all about Living the Volunteer Spirit! Imagine the reward of putting our tagline to action within our community by working alongside others on this International day!

So much good could be accomplished.

  1. Unity within your community while working toward a common goal.
  2. Helping those in need.
  3. Raising awareness of GFWC as an organization of caring, active volunteers!


  • Contact your town/county about a roadside, park or beach cleanup.
  • Contact a nursing home/assisted living about helping with crafts or addressing Christmas cards for the residents.
  • Offer to decorate a tree at a domestic violence center or children’s home.
  • Offer a food bank that day for those who are food insecure.
  • Organize a toy drive for needy children.

The possibilities are endless!

As you plan your volunteer efforts, keep the 7 Grand Initiatives in mind! 

  • 1,000 clubs perform a service project on Martin Luther King Day
  • Plant 1,000 trees on Arbor Day
  • Members donate 1,000 pairs of used shoes to Soles 4 Souls
  • Donate 1,000 Dr. Seuss books
  • 1,000 members join the Legislative Action Center and sign their name in red
  • Perform 1,000 projects devoted to women in the military
  • 1,000 members donate $1,000 to the GFWC Capital Campaign

HEALTHY TIP: Rethink that order! 

How often do you automatically order the combo from a fast food menu? Next time think ahead before you order. Could you get a side salad or fruit rather than fries? How about a bottled water instead of soda? Instead of a larger combo, order the regular size portion or a kid’s meal.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture 



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