GFWC-NC Scholarships

The GFWC of North Carolina has a history of awarding scholarships. The first scholarship fund was begun in 1907.

Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship

The GFWC of North Carolina Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship (SSCS) is a 4 year scholarship awarded to an outstanding North Carolina high school senior (male or female). Students must be first sponsored by a GFWC-NC club in their local area that is participating in the scholarship process to apply. (In the event the recipient graduates in three years, the tenure shall be three years).  The scholarship is awarded in memory of our past State President Mrs. Robert R. Cotten (1911-1913).

Whitner Piano Scholarship

This GFWC-NC scholarship is maintained and offered through Catawba College. The annual scholarship is given to a student who declares a major in music with an emphasis in piano. The Whitener family has strong ties to Catawba College. These ties will continue to honor the legacy of Mary K. Paul Whitener. The Whitener Scholarship was established in 1985.

Lucy Bramlette Patterson Award for Excellence in Creative Writing

In 2002 the Lucy Bramlette Patterson Award for Excellence in Creative Writing was established. The recognitions are given in memory of Mrs. J. Lindsay Patterson, the first President of NCFWC (1902-1905).

The award honors a female North Carolina published writer for outstanding creative writing. The award recipient will receive an engraved Jefferson Cup in recognition of the honor.

The scholarship is awarded annually to the Salem College Center for Women Writers and presented to a North Carolina female rising senior who has participated in creative writing. The College selects the scholarship recipient.

GFWC-NC Greeson-Johnson Teaching Scholarship

This GFWC-NC scholarship is maintained and offered through Appalachian State University.   The scholarship is given annually to an outstanding junior or senior student enrolled in the Teacher Education Program who has declared his/her major in education to become a K-12 teacher.

The GFWC-NC Greeson-Johnson Teaching Scholarship began with the 2010-2012 Administration as part of the Literacy campaign of State President Sharon Greeson and State Director of Juniors Andie Johnson.



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