

The GFWC Environment Community Service Program encourages us to be stewards of the earth: 1) Preserve the world’s resources, protect wildlife and domesticated animals, 2) Live sustainably, and 3) Beautify our communities and enjoy nature. The environment is everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth—the air we breathe, the water that covers most of its surface, all flora and fauna, and the soil, minerals, and fossil fuels that exist within its crust. The environment continually changes through natural ecological processes and as a result of human actions. We strive to educate members about the importance of beautifying, maintaining and restoring our most precious resources through the implementation of projects in our local communities.

2024-2026 GFWC-NC Environment CSP Chairman: Lynn Odom
2024-2026 GFWC-NC Environment Junior CSP Chairman: Hillary Millen

COMMUNITY CONNECTION INITIATIVE: National and State Parks Engage in Nature

Community gardens provide green spaces in urban areas, give growers without land of their own a place to work, and promote a real sense of community. Enrich your community by partnering with local businesses, other community groups, and/or schools to plan, develop, and grow a community garden. Look toward local gardening companies to help sponsor or donate. Enlist the help of master gardeners, landscape architects, or garden clubs to assist with designing the best garden for your community using native plants, including the needs of pollinators, and providing water and shelter. Use your community garden as an outdoor garden learning center and teach students about the benefits of gardening.

Work with local nursing homes and assisted living facilities to bring some sunshine into the lives of our more experienced generations. Gardens can be as large or as small as your space allows. Don those gloves to help your seeds sprout into a community garden that brings benefits to many.




2022 GFWC Club Creativity WINNER: Greensboro Woman’s Club CRAYON INITIATIVE

The Greensboro Woman’s Club (GWC) is committed to recycling. They were intrigued when they discovered the Crayon Initiative. This is a unique nonprofit that collects unwanted crayons from restaurants, schools, and homes, then melts them down and re-manufactures them for art programs at children’s hospitals across the country. Five of these hospitals are in North Carolina. 19 club members distributed special collection boxes to schools, day cares, restaurants, scout groups, and others. 315 pounds of used crayons were collected and shipped to the Crayon Initiative.




Home – The Crayon Initiative


  • Reduce plastics use, refuse, reuse, re-purpose and recycle.
  • Join the Arbor Day Foundation and receive ten free trees to plant or donate to be planted in a threatened rain forest or a national forest. Visit the website to learn about Celebrate Arbor Day (last Friday of April), Tree City USA, and Rain Forest Rescue.
  • Educate club and community about the importance of pollinators and creating healthy habitats so they can thrive.
  • Learn about ocean wildlife in peril, such as sea turtles and manatees, and organize volunteer or fundraising opportunities to help protect them.
  • Plan a clean-up day in the community by coordinating groups of volunteers to clean eyesore areas and properly discard the waste.
  • Hold a workshop on sustainable community gardens to promote self-sufficiency.
  • Establish a hiking or biking trail to promote the great outdoors or a socially distanced walk for fun or to raise funds!
  • Sponsor a “Yard of the Month” or other monthly beautification contest that recognizes community enhancement.
  • Commemorate America Recycles Day on November 15th, a program by Keep America Beautiful.


  • 1958 – Endorsed Keep America Beautiful program and emphasized need for information centers on principal highways.
  • 1976 – Coordinated statewide telethon that raised over $350,000 to benefit the North Carolina Zoo.
  • 1980 – Held first energy Conservation Seminar at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.
  • 1998 – Contributed over $50,000 to the NC State Museum of Natural Sciences for the construction of the Nocturnal Life Station.
  • 2002 – Contributed approximately $100,000 for renovation and expansion of the North Carolina State Aquariums.
  • 2008 – In 2008, GFWC-NC contributed over $70,000 to the Blue Ridge Parkway Parks Classroom project Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation.