GFWC-NC Program and Project Updates

Just a moment to say thank you to all the Clubwomen who took the time to tally hours and donations, write project narratives, and send their completed CP&S forms and award entries. The creativity and time our North Carolina Clubs spent to address the many needs in our local communities in 2020 and encourage arts, education, wellness, civic engagement, and the conservation of our environment are inspiring. Thank you for recording our history! There will be a day when we look back in awe at how much we accomplished in 2020, even during a pandemic.

The GFWC of North Carolina Top Ten and Club Creativity projects for each CSP, ESO, Special Program, and Advancement Plan have been submitted to GFWC, as well as the GFWC-NC State Statistics. We will be preparing the GFWC-NC Top Ten list over the next month, and we will have the opportunity to share our Clubwomen’s achievements at the April 16th-17th Convention, so make your plans to attend. Our sincere appreciation goes to our GFWC-NC and GFWC-NC Jr. Program Chairmen who put in many hours reviewing entries, coordinating judges, and writing up the summaries. They did a tremendous job!

As more and more vaccines are distributed, our world is opening for in-person programs. Even though many projects take time to plan, simple Done-in-a-Day Projects are popular, fun and have a positive effect. The key is to choose an attainable goal and be organized. For example, fill a dozen gently used purses with personal-care products for a local women’s shelter. Prior to the event, make a detailed list of exactly what is needed, obtain the supplies, and confirm the location. Invite a representative from the shelter as a speaker so you can present the purses at the event.  These are great projects for small and large clubs alike. Craft kits for children, cleaning up a senior’s yard who needs assistance or a legislative day of action are also simple, achievable, and impactful.

And, Federation Day, April 24th, is the perfect day for a Done-in-a-Day project! Be sure to read GFWC-NC Federation Day Chairman Pauletta Parker’s article on Federation Day so you can learn about the details for the special contest and join in the fun!

As always, we are here to support you, so feel free to reach out at any time;, or

In Federation Spirit and Gratitude,

Karen Throckmorton, GFWC-NC 1st Vice President

Pam Mediano, GFWC-NC Dean of Junior Community Service Programs



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