District 4 Fall Meeting – Burlington, NC
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
of North Carolina District Four
To the 2019 District Fall Meeting
Saturday, October 5, 2019
I hereby invite all GFWC-NC District Four Officers, General and Junior Club Presidents, anyone serving GFWC or GFWC-NC in any capacity, Past District Four Presidents and Junior Directors, Club Community Service Program Chairman, and all club members to attend the 2019 Fall Meeting. The scheduled date and location are Saturday, October 5, 2019 at Kernodle Senior Center, 1535 S Mebane Street, Burlington, NC 27215
Eva Jackson, President, GFWC-NC District Four
Tentative Schedule
8:00 – 8:30 am Registration/Coffee Hour/Membership Mingle
8:30 _ 9:00 am Junior Buzz
9:00 – 9:30 am Call to Order – Plenary Workshop
9:30 _10:00 am Board of Director’s and Club President’s Meeting
10:00 _10:30 am Women’s Personal Safety, Healthy Exercise
10:30 –11:00 am Auto External Defibrillator, Child Advocacy
9:30 _ 11:00 am Various Crafts, Book Swap, Raffle Items
11:00 –12:30 pm General Assembly
Please let Patti Hinson know if you have had any
Club members who died during the year.
Her email is: holdonfarm@gmail.com
There will be a Memorial to honor their service.